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Alliance Best Practice: How to Establish Buy-in from the Executive Team?

Vishal Kalia

You can have the best program, the best partner enablement, but if you don’t have buy-in from your own internal team, you’ll go nowhere. You’ll be dead in the water and so will your partners.

There are 3 key actions you can take to get internal buy-in:

1. Right internal communication

Breaking down the barriers and communicating across one collaborative platform to ensure everyone is listening and communicating down the same path.

2. Slowing down your business

Businesses are moving at such a hectic pace today that it is critical to take a breath, step back and understand where is our business today, where do you need to go and what do you need to do to get there. Then create a strategic & tactical plan around it for the executive team.

3. Your team's buy-in

These are the individuals that are going to support you as you develop a new solution, so before you even go about getting executive team buy-in, make sure your own team is on board.  

Take these 3 steps into consideration and you will be able to gain buy-in from your executive team for your next initiative.

About Vishal Kalia

Vishal is the Director of Content Marketing & Social Media and leads our Alliance Aces Community. He has been in marketing for 14+ years and writes about ecosystem cloud, alliance strategies, and digital transformation.

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