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Partnering Strategy
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5 Key Ingredients of a Robust Value Proposition

Vishal Kalia

If you are going to market with a joint solution, nothing will kill your alliance faster than a weak joint value proposition. At the beginning of a go-to-market strategy, everyone must be clear on the joint value proposition. If any party can sell to the client with or without the other alliance member, no competitive advantage exists. In this case, sales teams end up competing, and conflicts of interest arise.

You can create less chaos by creating a uniform joint solution.  In this model, you can leverage the power of multiple sales teams to reinforce one value proposition and create a real competitive advantage.

5 ingredients of a robust joint value proposition, it:

  1. Creates a true competitive advantage
  2. Creates simplicity for the client
  3. Maximizes sales opportunities
  4. Creates stickiness with your client
  5. Creates stickiness with your internal alliance managers

Every joint value proposition you create should have at least these five key ingredients if you want to maximize its success.

About Vishal Kalia

Vishal is the Director of Content Marketing & Social Media and leads our Alliance Aces Community. He has been in marketing for 14+ years and writes about ecosystem cloud, alliance strategies, and digital transformation.

Partnering Strategy

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