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New Product Features: Restrict Participant Visibility, and Metrics Enhancements

Vishal Kalia

As an Ecosystem Cloud category leader, we at WorkSpan keep our customers at the center of everything we do. We are constantly adding new features based on our customers’ feedback and this month, we are excited to share with you the launch of the following key features:

  1. Restrict Participant Visibility
  2. Filter and view funding & claim requests relevant to you
  3. Metrics Enhancements

Let's dive in.

Restrict Participant Visibility into Your Programs and Solutions

What does it doWith WorkSpan’s new participant visibility restriction feature, you can block a participant's ability to view information about other participants from other companies in your partner programs and solutions. How it helps you succeedThe majority of partner programs, marketing programs, and funds are designed to enable and drive engagement and contributions from multiple partners. However, these programs often include competing partners in the same program.Similarly, a solution offering from a company can be sold by many reseller partners. Most of these resellers are competitors in a region or industry.You, as a program host or solution owner, may not want these competing partners to be aware of each other’s presence.With the new “Restrict Participant Visibility” feature, you can keep your communications and engagement with each partner private and hidden from other participants.Use Case Example:

  • Partner Programs and Co-solutions:
  • Organizations running different partner programs have multiple partners across multiple regions. Enablement content is shared with all the partners across the program. Systems Integrators (SIs) involved in the program are often competitors on the same deals. Now, you can restrict visibility and the partners will not be able to see who else is involved in the deal.

Metrics Enhancements

What does it do?This is one of my favorite additions this month because now you can easily view all your metrics on one page, hide/share metrics, and also view the percent of the goal achieved in the progress bar. How does it help you succeed:1) View AllWith a new “View All” button you can view all the metrics on a single page.

WORKSPAN Metrics enhancement view all feature
workspan view all feature

2) Hide MetricsYou now have the ability to hide metrics, so that they are not shown on the Summary/Overview page or on the View All screen. This allows you to build metrics to use in Formulas [link “Formulas” to the KB article on metrics formulas], without having to display the metrics you only need for formula calculations.

WorkSpan Feature: Hide Metrics

3) New symbols allowed in Metric namesPreviously, Metric names had to be alphanumerical. However, our customers asked for greater flexibility with metrics naming conventions.Now you can use symbols such as these when naming a metric: - : * / | = + # $ € £ % & [ ] ( ) ' “ 4) Percent to Goal Displayed on Metrics cardsSometimes even a small change can make a big difference. On the top right of the progress bar on a Metric card, you will now see an automatically calculated progress percentage, such as 50.7%, indicating the percentage of the goal that has been reached. We hope this small change will help you understand how close you are to achieving your goals while avoiding the need to pull up a calculator.

WorkSpan feature: percent of goal displayed

If you have any additional questions regarding our new product features and would like to learn more, please contact us at

About Vishal Kalia

Vishal is the Director of Content Marketing & Social Media and leads our Alliance Aces Community. He has been in marketing for 14+ years and writes about ecosystem cloud, alliance strategies, and digital transformation.

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