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Partnering Strategy
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Three Strategies to Grow Revenue with Ecosystem Cloud

Vishal Kalia

Growing revenue is always the top focus of the executive team. We bring you three strategies you can use to grow your revenue:

1.  Proactively manage pipeline & engage partners

  • Actively co-manage your pipeline with your partners and keep them engaged at each stage and hold each other accountable.  

2. Drive deals in the region via real-time KPI’s

  • It is imperative to have real-time visibility into global and regional KPI’s when you want to have a complete picture of the deal flow. Your regional teams will always have closer contacts with the customer, utilize their help to solicit regional opportunities and then use real-time KPIs to actively manage them.

3. Increase deal size by incorporating partner offerings

  • Incorporate the resources and contacts of your partners to add value to the deal that you might not have. It will make the deal more enticing for the end customer and increase its chances for success.

About Vishal Kalia

Vishal is the Director of Content Marketing & Social Media and leads our Alliance Aces Community. He has been in marketing for 14+ years and writes about ecosystem cloud, alliance strategies, and digital transformation.

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